Wednesday 5 October 2011

Magazine contents Page

As you can see, I have uploaded a snap shot of my magazine contents page.
This, also, is before I done any research on customer veiws and oppinions on potential customers and general people about their interest of a magazine and suggestions of how it could be made more appealing towards them. This magazine lacks many qualities of a  magazine contents page especially if it was a music magazine contents page. These would include edits of pictures and perhaps them over lapping, there are no sections of things such as features, gigs or gossips ets. the page looks too plain and simple for  a music magaizne contents page and doesn't look to appealing gain customer's interest which again makes this contents page quite unproffessional and needs serious adjustments for improvements.


Magazine Front cover

As you can see, I have uploaded a snap shot of my music magazine front cover.
This, also, is before I done any research on customer veiws and oppinions on potential customers and general people about their interest of a magazine and suggestions of how it could be made more appealing towards them. This magazine lacks many qualities of a magazine front cover especially a music magazine front cover. These would include no image editing such as no sharpening on a image, or edits of a background, poor quality of fonts e.g the title block and puffs, the title is too long, the colour scheme looks confusing. This overall makes my music magazine extremely unprofessional and needs serious adjustments for improvements.

Conventions Of Music Magazine Front Cover

I have uploaded a snap shot of my work of a conventions of music magazine front cover analysis.
It shows labellings of the typical features of a front cover of a music magazine, such as the central image and them looking at the camera, introduction of housestyles such as colour and font etc and buzz words and so on.