Friday 20 April 2012

Survey Monkey On My Finished Magazine

This printscreen is showing whether or not people find the name of my magazine appealing after looking at it. It shows that almost everyone found it appealing.  

This printscreen is showing what people think my magazine genre is. People were allowed to choos more than one answer if they wanted to. As you can see the majority thought it was Hip Hop and R&B which shows that my magazine had met the target of looking like a Hip Hop / R&B magazine. This printscreen also shows that only 3 people thought it was rock, the reason for this is that because of the bold colours used such as red and black and Nino was also wearing black.

This printscreen is showing who people thought my target audience were for my magazine. They had to choose the type of gender or genders that my magazine was targeting as well as the type of people that listen to a particluar genre of music. The reseults show that Hip Hop and R&B fans were targeted to both males and females which is exactly what my magazine was aiming for despite the front cover of my magazine looked a bit masculine which is probably why one of the popular results was that the target gender was males.

This printscreen is showing a poll of the how high or low people rated my front cover. As you can see 7 and 9 were the joint higher common ratings and suggests that my magazine is quite successful in appearance and that the audience were able to recognise the genre and target audience of my magazine.

This printscreen is showing a poll of the how high or low people rated my contents page . As you can see 7 was the most common high following by the second common high score of 10. One person left a comment that 'really clear and to the point pictures help' which suggests to me my target audience readers prefer images that don't leave the audience guessing to much.

This printscreen is showing whether people enjoyed reading my magazine article or not. It has proved success as only two people out of everyone who read the article didn't enjoy reading the article. But a comment was left saying how the images and article title show relations which does foreshadow the topic of the actual article.

This printscreen is showing how much people rated the images used  in my magazine as their overall judgement. 8 was the highest common score following 9 and 10 joint second most common. This suggests that the images are really effective in terms of production and angles.

This printscreen is showing whether people found the price of my magazine reasonable and the majority said yes. One person commented that they would 'reduce it by a pound', but my magazine will be released monthly and this price was a comprimise between considering how costs would be covered up for producing the magazine and also ensuring that it's not to pricey for my target audience for when they purchase it.

This printscreen is showing the relation to the reasonability of my magazine price and to whether they would actually buy it. It's showing that the same number of people who thought that the price was reasonable, that they would consider buying it as well.

Friday 24 February 2012

Survey Monkey Survey - Comments 

Final: Front Cover, Contents page and Article

An over view of my Music magazine Production with my comments.

This is the final front cover of my music magazine. It has been a journey to produce this final outcome. My first magazine where I used Rahima, the image was weak due to her pose and the clothes she was wearing, it looked more like a fashion magazine. I re-did my whole magazine and this is the final result. I learnt many things on Photoshop and Illustrator and used it to try and get a professional end result for my front cover.

This is my contents page and from the first draft I did on word document and presented as a print screen on my blog, it is clear there has been a transformation. From looking at the front cover, I have maintained a consistent house style of colours, fonts and underlining of certain words. 

This is the first image I have used as part of my article on a separate page. I chose this image background  for  Nino to be in front of Because before the reader begins reading the main article, it foreshadows what the article might be based on. You can see that the background looks rough and is in black and white. Nino looks quite modest and not as rough as the background and he isn't in black and white like the background. This could foreshadow to the readers that Nino has moved on from his rough past and he is now in the light of a good life and future. As this is a Hip Hop / R&B Magazine and Nino is someone who is representing Hip Hop, and the word 'Ride', from the title just indicates 'Journey'. So as well as the Image layout, the title also foreshadows what the article is going to be about as it is all hinting a message to the reader / audience. The pull quote also is a source of foreshadowing, it could suggest that he is now successful because of his past. From looking at the front cover and contents page, I have maintained a consistent house style of colours, fonts and underlining of certain words as well. 

This is where the article actually begins. Nino looks refreshed in a quite space. This could indicate he is just reflecting back at his past to where he is now in the present day and because he is smiling, it suggests that he is a proud man.

This is the final page of the article. The pull quote 'aint no talent', this could be a message that Nino is sending out to the readers / audience / his fans.

Re - Editing My front Cover

Below are print screens of me re-editing my contents page.

This is the print screen of my orginal final front cover which I am about to touch upon few things which can re edited to give it more of a proffessional outcome.

In this printscreen, I am making he white rectangle box more transparent up to the number of 75 and the same principle had been carried out onto the other two boxes. These transpanent boxes are also used in my magazine article, which shows a constistency of house-styles.
Also, I changed the colour of my texts in those transparent boxes, where further on the printscreens you'll see how I experiment with colour and interpretations.

In this printscreen, it's showing that I am begining to experiment with different colours, to help make 'exclusive' stand out. You can see that the other two texts in the transparent boxes are in black, this helps exclusive to draw more of the readers attention on to that more than they would on the other things included on the front page about what's in the magazine.

I have experimented here as well. I have changed the the colour of 'Exlusive' from red to white. It obviously doesn't have the same standing out affect as the colour red so I shall be re-changing it back to red.

I have decided to have this as the final version of my magazine as it is now more inproved. I kept the transparent boxes and kept the 'exclusive in red'.
I realised I mis-spelt Nicki Minaj's name, her name will altered correctly just before I post my finals of all my front cover, contents page and article pages.