Friday 24 February 2012

Contents Page and Production

This is my music magazine contents page.

There wasn't much editing to to with the contents page.
The images, all I did was sharpen the images to increase the pixels to add the proffessional look, other than that no cropping or etc was needed.
I used the two fonts 'Broadway' and 'Rockwell' as I used in the front cover, to keep the consisten house style going as well as the same colour scheme.

I have just realised two things. I haven't added a website adress and I will be adding one as it would help promote my music magazine, and as my magazine's target audience is a young audience who are into Hip Hop / R&B, they're more likely to prefer having some sort of online access to updates and many more things.
Another thing I have realised is that, I spelt the word Reviews wrong. I shall be correcting that before I publish my final front cover, contents and article pages.

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