Thursday 2 February 2012

Printscreen shots of Front Cover Production

These printscreen are showing what steps I have taken and I how experimented on different designs to produce my final out come of my Music magazine front cover.

I used the original picture of Antonino where the background he was standing infront of, was covered in graffiti and this is what made the image itself, stand out. But as you can tell, the layout doesn't look at all proffessional.

Here is where i tried experimenting again. I used the image as the background this time. This time there are two faults. The first fault is that again, it doesn't look at all proffessional and the second fault is that the title block doesn't stand out and sort of clashes.

This printscreen shows that I am editing the Picture of Antonino. First i sharpened the image then, I cut the larger section off as it could be easily done. This enables me to just focus on cutting the difficult areas to result having Antonino on a transparent background.

This Is the end result. The Edges looked a bit jaggered so I used the rubber tool to smoothen it out to make it look a bit natrual.

This printscreen shows that I have placed Antonino on a my magazine front cover page and it already looks better. I also feathered the image to add the finishing touch.

This printscreen is showing how my front cover is now coming together. This was originally my final magazine front cover. But as you can see, all the large texts are as equally dominant as each other. The 'Exclusive' and 'Nino' plus the anchorage text should of been the main focus of the magazine as well as the image.

This image shows that I have made my main focus more dominant that the other large texts. I made added coulour to the text 'Exclusive', made it bold and put it against a white background which makes it stands out more than it originally did. So now this is my final Front cover.

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