Saturday 24 December 2011

Draft article

This is my draft  for my final stages of finishing my music magzine article.
It is obvious that I haven't finished it but its showing you how it is an unofficial outcome / end of my article. It aslo needs alot of improvements such as better font style, colour etc. The writing isn't going to be blue in the actual article, it was a rough draft.
The reason why the artcile doesn't look so proffessional as a proffessional music mgazine article is because I didn't have access to Adobe illustrator and photoshop outside of college hours so i used word document to just create a rough draft, but it will be improved when i have access to photoshop and illustrator.

Draft contents page

This is my draft  for my final stages of finishing my music magzine contents page.
It is obvious that it needs alot of improvements such as better font style, I need to include sections such as gigs and interveiws etc and i need to edit some of my images such as cropping and sharpening the image and perhaps editing the lighting of the images.
The reason why the contents page doesn't look so proffessional as a proffessional music mgazine contents page is because I didn't have access to Adobe illustrator and photoshop outside of college hours so i used word document to just create a rough draft, but it will be improved when i have access to photoshop and illustrator

Draft front cover

This is my draft  for my final stages of finishing my music magzine front cover.
It is obvious that it needs alot of improvements such as bringing the central image in front of my title block, edit my image a bit more, use proffesional styles of a bar code and price tag and better font style.
The reason why the front cover doesn't look so proffessional as a proffessional music mgazine front cover is because I didn't have access to Adobe illustrator and photoshop outside of college hours so i used word document to just create a rough draft, but it will be improved when i have access to photoshop and illustrator

Here are some Images that i have taken which i could use for my article page

Here are some Images that i have taken which i could use for my contents page

Here are some Images that i have taken which i could use for my front cover

Photographs of Tanjia, Rahima and Antonino




Layout plan of my magazine's article page

This is the Layout plan for the music magazine that I will use to produce the article of my music magazine.

Layout plan of my magazine's contents page

This is the Layout plan for the music magazine that I will use to produce the contents page of my music magazine.

Layout plan for my magazine's front cover

This is the Layout plan for the music magazine that I will use to produce the front cover of my music magazine.

Friday 23 December 2011

Media Istitution Research

Development Hell has a small magazine production and only magazine products are ‘Mixmag’ and ‘Word’ and they both have their own websites aiming at the target audience of mainly males aged over 20. These magazines are not very popular but represent a specific taste in music so only some readers may be satisfied with these magazines. Also in their magazines, they include advertisement of products that readers / customers may be interested in and this is a way for the company to increase profit. This company is unique and creative because of their name and their logo as it stands out from other companies which can help to boost recognition.

 Bauer media institution is very popular and one of the largest media institutions that produces many different types of best selling magazine worldwide for example ‘Heat’ and ‘closer’ and other mainstream magazines of all genres of music. They also have television channels and radio as their less unknown sources of media which suggests this company reaches to different media productions to try and boost their market of audiences of all ages and genders. A few of their magazines are linked between websites as they have radio-stations for example Kerrang and Q magazine.

BBC Media institution has a range of media cources such as their own radio channel, television channles, online access and a range of magazines which is mainly for a niche market but with a variety of subjects for example diffenet children magazines such as ‘In the night garden’, ‘Top Gear’ and ‘Wildlife’. Thereore, BBC media targets a range of audience of all ages and genders.
 IPC Media is generally a niche market which publishes magazines from music, fashion, TV, even wallpaper. This company produces many magazines and targets genders in a range of ways for example magazines only aimed for women e.g. ‘Look’ magazine or ‘shooting gazette’ which is aimed at men. Also they have other magazine products such as television magazine aimed for both males and females. They also have magazine linked website access for reader who may have not purchased one or the prefer viewing things online. Also, this company does only publish one music magazine which is NME and is very popular magazine distributed by this company.