Wednesday 14 December 2011

Britney Spears Magazine Cover Analysis 3

This is the third of the three music magazine front covers of Britney Spears that I have analysed.
I have analysed a range of Britney Spears images and I chose to analyse this image and layout of this front cover of this magazine to be able to recongise any inferences as well as the messages that the front cover is trying imply and send out to it's target audioences.

The image of Britney has been positioned on the centre of the page and just focuses on her face.

The camera is only facing directly at her face capturing it from her forehead to her chin with a bit of her hair and fringe around her face.

Britney isn’t using any props in this image but jus only her face.

Britney’s body isn’t included in this image but only of her face so the audience is unable to tell what she is wearing or doing.

As this image only presents her face, it is clear that there are no facial expressions such as smiling or smirking for a sexual theme but just of her with a straight face looking deep into the camera lens. This could perhaps convey a serious moral issue that’s taking place in her life.

In the connotation on Britney’s left cheek, it mentions the word ‘TRAGEDY’ which could emphasise that she may be going through a struggle or a tough time in life.

There isn’t much colour used in this image of Britney, the image is almost in black and white highlighting her facial features such as her chin, nose, forehead and cheeks. She isn’t wearing much make up but only a little to create the natural feminine look. As a whole, because she isn’t smiling or anything and there isn’t much colour or make up on her face, it creates a very gloom effect which could emphasise the word ‘TRAGEDY’.

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