Wednesday 14 December 2011

Britney Spears Magazine Cover Analysis 1

This is the first of the three music magazine front covers of Britney Spears that I have analysed.
I have analysed a range of Britney Spears images and I chose to analyse this image and layout of this front cover of this magazine to be able to recongise any inferences as well as the messages that the front cover is trying imply and send out to it's target audioences.

The image of Britney has been positioned centre of the page cover, showing the front part of her body.

The image has been cropped to a medium long shot and the camera has been positioned at a high angle as she is lying down on a bed which creates an illusion of the target audience, who are young men are on top of her.

Britney is wearing revealing clothes but only revealing the attractive features of her body such as her belly and this and wearing certain garments to highlight other parts of her body such as her chest and cures, which is quite appealing to young men in a very sexual way.

Costume as well as props have been used to present a intersexual meaning, one example is she is wearing a school shirt which could represent her first ever music video where she was dressed as a school girl. Another example is she is also holding a purple Teletubbie, wearing a school shirt and holding a telephone which could suggest she is up at night talking to  her boyfriend, this could be showing her childish side of her life despite she is now a adult.

As Britney is lying down on a bed with not much clothes on, it is very likely that she is in a bedroom also because she is presented in a sexual way. This shows her adult side of her trying to win young males sexually attraction.

Bright shiny and feminine colours have been used to give a luscious effect and perhaps this is to attract the attention of men letting them know that she is in a fun cosy environment ready for action.

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