Thursday 22 December 2011

Title Block Analysis Of 'NME'

I have analysed 3 title blocks in detail. I mention the assumptions each title block makes of potential reader and because of the colour, font and style of the title block, what audience it could be trying to target. These title block analysis would help me decide and focus on the title block design i use for my magazine and make sure the design matches the correct target audience and makes spot on assumptions on my magazine. Below I is the 'NME' title block analysis.

NME (New Musical Express) appears to be a rock genre of a music magazine.
Again, the red indicates passion for the information the magazine includes and the passion of music it has in order have a whole magazine about it especially as it appears to b targeting people who are passionate about rock music. The red text is put against a white background to help emphasise the passion and is outlined by a bold black colour this suggests that the black is powerful and strong which could also imply that the magazine information is powerful and easy to interest the reader’s attention as the style of the title looks quite simple.
A very big and bold font is b used, which is another way of suggesting power and importance. Although, because the font makes it stand out, it could be suggesting the magazine is very good at interesting the reader’s attention.
The title NME is an abbreviation short for ‘New Musical Express’. The word  ‘new’ could indicate that every time the magazine itself is released, fresh new information is included so the readers will always have new something to read about. The word ‘musical’ could suggest that the magazine is basically based on mainly music, as it is representing a music magazine. The word ‘express’ means to say your thoughts or views about something which could suggest that this magazine would express their criticisms on perhaps styles of music or celebrities etc.
As there is no biased use of colour or font style in the title block, it looks quite simply done which could suggest its a unisex magazine so its target audience are not gender/sex biased. But the heavy black outline does almost show power as it dictates all the colours used to help the title stand out further which could suggest the main target audience for this magazine would be men.

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