Thursday 22 December 2011

Article Analysis of Q Magazine

I have been analysing Q music magazine where I have analysed in detail, their music magazine front Cover, contents page and a article.
Below is the Q music magazine article analysis. I have chosen to deeply analyse the front cover of this particular magazine so I could have an insight of styles and layouts out used of a mainstream magazine as this is the UK's biggest music magazine. By doing this, it would help me construct my own music magazine article page and perhaps challenge a typical and well known music magazine to make mine possibly slightly different or unique.

                                                     Brandon flowers
The choice of this of the musician in this article I about Brandon Flowers who is a rock artist and obviously suggest that the audience for this article is people who are fans of Rock music as well as / Brandon flowers.
Brandon seems to be the type of person that uses swear words when he is talking. In the interview of Brandon the magazine doesn’t state what swear word he used but just says ‘he swears’. For example ‘(we have the best sunsets I’ve ever seen,’ He swears). The fact that the magazine chose to jus state he swore instead of saying what exactly he said shows the magazine tolerant in musicians behaviour and don’t promote potential bad influences.
When pull quotes are used, there is a red bar above the texts which indicates that the beneath text is a pull quote and this article consists two pull quotes of Brandon. Both pull quotes are about Brandon’s way of life. The first pull quote includes the word ‘BRITCHES’ which means behaving in a self important manner, and in the second pull quote he mentions ‘RELIGION’ and that it has always been in his life, which suggests that he is a wise and thoughtful man. And the fact that the pull quotes includes things about him implies that it’s a interview based on his lifestyle.
The magazine shows consistent house styles of colours as it uses Black, White and Red throughout just like the same colours were used in the front cover and contents page of the magazine. On page 74, the pull quote is in medium- small size in the colour red. Red can imply the sign of importance and in this case, the red pull quote could be suggesting that this is the main topic/issue that’d being discussed in the magazine.
And again the magazine shows a consistency of house style of size of bold texts in the same font like big, medium and small. These sizes are used to help to engage the reader’s span of attention. The colour is used to help highlight the texts such as the red pull quotes.
The article isn’t a double paged article as it is made up of 4 pages. The first page is an enlarged image which takes up the whole page and on the bottom left hand corner, there is the first pull quote in red.
Then on the second page is the first page of the actual article and that too takes up the whole page. The is a massive ‘A’ in the background which is the first word/letter of the article and the fact that its big could emphasise his emotions and what he is talking about as he is talking about his life.
The third page there are both images and texts. The image is fairly large as it takes us over a third of the page. The large image is actually 3 images collated together which are  overlapping each other looking as one big image. The images are of Brandon Flowers just showing a quick journey of his life, one is his graduation picture, another is him with female company and the other is him singing at a gig, and in all 3 of the images of him, he is smiling which shows that he is happy with the journey of his life. The text starts from the side of the image where space hasn’t been taken up by the image and runs down under the image looking similar to a newspaper article. Where there’s a pull quote in small-medium size in red, that is the start of a new topic.
On the fourths and last page, there is a image of Brandon sitting down but it’s not clear of what he is sitting on as that part of the image has been cut. Brandon doesn’t show any emotions on his face and is looking at another direction. The background that he is in appears to be quite dull and could be reflecting his mood. The clouds are dull and grey and the colours of objects around him are of dull brown, dull blue and dull white which can all symbolise his depression or a non happy mood. Underneath the image on Brandon, there isn’t much text.
The fact that this article is a interview, it’s extracting new information and learning more about Brandon Flowers so reading this article, the reader’s wouldn’t really need much prior knowledge about him except that he is a Rock artist.  

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