Thursday 22 December 2011

Plan for a Music Magazine

This is my written plan for my music magazine of what to and not include, and the pricings etc post the survey monkey questionaire. The responses collected from my questionaire will be used as an aid to create a music magazine as successful as possible.

Plan for a Music Magazine
My target audience is going to be of people who like both reading about music celebrity gossip and fashion tips and advice that those music celebrities use and also out going people who like attending music events.
The genre of music that my music magazine is going to represent is of both R&B and hip hop as my Survey Monkey questionnaire presents the results of these two genres of music are the most popular ones listened to.
My Music magazine is going to be released monthly as not many people buy music magazines so if it were released monthly, people would be more likely to buy it than they would if it was released every so often such as weekly.
My survey monkey results showed three popular prices that they would pay for a magazine, the two highest was £3 and £4.99 and the third popular highest was £2. So to be fair to the two highest popular prices that people are willing to pay, I’ve decided that the cost of my Magazine will be £3.99. This is because as my magazine would be released monthly, I would need to cover the cost for producing it but if I were to release my magazine I would consider to charge it at a price around £1.50, as the it would be released ever week and the cost of the magazine would sell enough to cover the expense of producing it before the end of every week. Also I think that the monthly release of my music magazine is a good idea because one of the joint most popular reasons why people like music magazines is because it informs them about any future events such as concerts. Concerts don’t take place every day or week etc, they give people notice a month or few months in advance so the awareness of concerts wouldn’t be such a big issue.

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