Wednesday 14 December 2011

Contents Page Analysis of Q Magazine

I have been analysing Q music magazine where I have analysed in detail, their music magazine front Cover, contents page and a article.
Below is the Q music magazine contents page analysis. I have chosen to deeply analyse the contents page of this particular magazine so I could have an insight of styles and layouts out used of a mainstream magazine as this is the UK's biggest music magazine. By doing this, it would help me construct my own music magazine contents page and perhaps challenge a typical and well known music magazine to make mine possibly slightly different or unique.

The magazine does use four images and most of the images are of the music stars used at the front cover of the magazine, Lady Gaga, Jay-Z and David Grohl’s images are print screens of the article that’s in the magazine with a big number on the sides representing the page numbers to read the article. Jay Z’s image is the largest in size and takes up most of the space on, from the left side, which could be hinting that his article is the most exclusive about him compared to the other top 10 music stars that are going to be talked about in the magazine. Lady Gaga and David Grohl image in the contents much smaller in size compared to Jay-Z and slightly tilted on its sides, at the bottom of the contents page, compared to a the image at the top right which is isn’t orientated in a specific way but it’s the smallest image. This could be because the other three images are representing the main focus and issues of the magazine.

Because the 3 music stars appear again on the contents page and are much bigger compared to the small image on the top right its suggests that its intended audience are people who like a bit of different genres of music or of those people who are a fan of any of these stars. But Jay Z’s image is the largest out of all the images compared to the other two stars, their images are a print screen shot of the article about them in the magazine.

This changes the my first point of view of the magazine because as Jay Z’s image is the largest on the contents page and he is the at the front of the magazine with lady gaga and Dave Grohl behind him, suggests he could be the main focus of the magazine and that the magazine is more Hip Hop / Rap Based.

Just like the front cover, Black, Red, Pink and white are again used in the contents page as well as the same font, lager font is used on numbers and some of the stars that are going to be talked about in the magazine which supports highlighting the main issues, all this which shows consistent house styles are being used and shows professionalism.

As it is the contents page, it doesn’t require much information but only page numbers of specific topics and issues. As it is a music magazine not every topic / issue is going to make it in the contents page so only the main highlights of the magazine will be on the contents page and perhaps an image to go with it, such as Lady Gaga, Jay-Z and David Grohl which makes information quite accessible to the audience.

Despite containing other issues and the top 10 music star’s issues, the 3 main music stars of the magazine, their articles are deeper into the magazine, past half way which could be indicating the best issues are saved towards the end. Not only there are issues of the music stars, there are also other topics which aren’t really music stars based such as ‘War Child’.

This contents paged is purely focused on music stars that are going to be talked about in the magazine but mainly Lady Gaga, Jay-Z and David Grohl. It seems like the article’s are mainly interview and so no promotional features are presented on the contents pages such as adverts or music tours etc.

The name of the magazine is ‘Q’ and its logo presents on the top right corner without anything over lapping it. Although the logo is clearly visible, the page number ‘50’ representing the page number for Jay-Z’s article is much bigger than the logo itself.

The magazine brand doesn’t present any franchises.

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